Our summer just took 2 interesting turns. First we invited a young Papuan teacher named Lea to live with us for the month of June. She is the niece of the secretary at HIS. She teaches English at her school in Jayapura. She wants to be immersed in English so that her teaching will improve. We are more than happy to help this young teacher in her teaching. She will also help us with our Indonesian. We figure we will spend equal amounts of time speaking English and Indonesian. It will be a win, win situation. Also, she has agreed to teach me how to cook Indonesian dishes. I am very excited about this prospect. The converse is true that she would like to learn some “Western” dishes!
Now for the second turn. Miles just got invited to spend most of the month of June back in Wamena! It looks like Lea and I will spend most of June just the two of us, then Miles will return home on weekends and Lea and I will visit one weekend. Indonesian schools are in session Monday – Saturday 7AM-12PM Year round! Lea will be gone most mornings to do her teaching while I have my language lessons. We will decide which weekend will work the best for her to join us in Wamena after she moves in.
In July, a church from Vancouver, New Heights, comes over to help with projects and to help put on our annual family conference. It will be 10 days just outside of Wamena. I am looking for a place to spend a vacation for a week around our anniversary in August then teachers have to be in school beginning August 20th. Whew, school hasn’t even ended this year yet and I feel like summer is over for all the plans in the works!
School news:
We are blessed to have needs met in grade 1, 4, 6, MS Math, MSLanguage Arts, HS and MS Band, and PE for next year. These are huge Praise the Lord items!
We still have need of:
Elementary/Middle School Principal
High School Principal/Guidance Counselor
Dorm Parents
Grade 3
ESL (certified, and experience preferred)
Special Education: ADD/ADHD; Dyslexia;Reading Specialist
IT Network
IT Computer teacher, grades K – 8
It's not too late to comeover if you are willing to come over and help!
We took our first graders to a local farm for a field trip. They loved petting the goats and there was even a new “Kid” that had been born the day before we got there! It was pretty exciting. They also had several, 6 week old puppies, some baby chicks, chickens, and pigeons.
First grade Co teacher Leta |
Mechanics Corner:
Praise God that He always provides a way! We found a way to repair the Caravan that had a flat tire and went off the runway and damaged the wing, that the Indonesian Government's form of the FAA has approved, that didn't take 190 days just to get parts. This was mentionned in our April Newsletter. The airplane has been put back together, test flown, and is in the process of being prepared for being returned to service.
Miles is very humbled to be asked to come back to help on another airplane. They really like him in Wamena. We like Wamena too! Maybe after our next year here if we decide to come back we can go to Wamena! Just thinking out loud! J We will be home in 2013. Dates to be set at a later date!
Prayer Corner:
Good Health for both of us
Continued growth in Christ, doing what He wants in our service to Him.
Continued clarity in our communications with each other and others as well.
Prayer Corner: