How is Christmas in Sentani spent you ask? Well, I am ashamed to tell you that Western culture has totally infected the people and the mall here. Christmas decorations were up before Halloween and they put up fake Christmas trees for sale. Most of the Papuans don’t put up a tree but many will put up a “Pondok Natal”. Christmas Pondok which means a small hut in their yard that gets covered with Christmas lights from which Christmas music blares night and day. Everywhere you drive you can hear the music. I even saw a man with his car decorated as a Pondok Natal and was driving all over town “sharing” Christmas cheer! .
It is sort of nice but gets old @ 5AM. Here @ MAF we had one on either end of the complex in the neighborhoods. They only conflicted occasionally. When 1was quiet, the other was going. As if that weren’t enough, they also set off fireworks beginning 2 weeks before Christmas and it continues I understand for a week, or so, after New Year’s. Christmas music is so incongruous with fireworks. I would expect patriotic music like 4th of July. Combine that with the heat and it just doesn’t feel like Christmas.
Christmas had to come from deep within this year! Not such a bad thing. We went into the
thriving metropolis of Jayapura on the 23rd for my Birthday with some teacher friends. It is only
about 60 miles away but takes nearly 2 hours to get there due to traffic and poor roads. We
shopped and had dinner. It was good to get into the big city. Not really very big but it better than
what we have here in Sentani. We had dinner with friends on Christmas Eve but then I woke
Christmas morn with fever and chills. Poor Miles had to spend Christmas alone as I slept
through 90% of it and into Monday night.
Update on my road rash. My leg got infected about a week after I finished my antibiotics. I am now on my second round and my leg is looking much better. It is hard to heal open wounds in the tropics. I have to be counterintuitive to what feels good which is dry, and keep it moist and covered.
Update on my dad: He went back into the hospital on Christmas Eve and was released to home on Monday with Hospice. My brothers have been there with him and my sister arrives this weekend. I have been struggling with my need to be with my dad and his last conversation with me to not come home if anything should happen to him. I know the logic of not going home but I am having a lot of angst over it.
Dad loves the Lord with all his heart! He told us on many occasions while we were planning that if anything happened to him while we are over here in Indonesia not to come home. He will just see us in heaven. That has been one of his many joys, that all of his children and grandchildren love the Lord and we will have a grand reunion on that day, or when we are each called home to be with the Lord.
He will be at home, at rest soon!
Please pray for the family during this difficult transition loosing such a vital part of our family here on earth!
After I wrote this update on my dad, I was overcome and decided to ask @ MAF how much it would actually cost for me to go home.
The lovely Papuan people who work in the office did not understand that I was only looking for information. The next thing I knew I was scheduled to leave here on Saturday AM and my exit re-entry visa has been ordered and will be at the MAF base by tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. I was at first stunned when they told me. Then a peace flooded me. I am going home for 2 weeks. School starts Jan 16th. I will arrive back here on the 15th. I am flying in and out of LAX, renting a car and driving to Yuma AZ.