
Sunday, December 4, 2011


Miles and I are truly grateful for the Guardian Angels working overtime when unexplicity I skidded onto the pavement off my motorcycle, on my helmet and face.  The whole right side of my body hurts.  I have raspberries all over my right arm, leg, and cheek and at least a bruised rib.  It could have been so much worse!

I was picked up by a national, stuffed into a cab (small vans that run along the main street) and rushed to the hospital complete with everyone who had gotten in the cab prior.  I had a real entourage getting there.  A wonderful man heald my head as we bounced into every chuck hole along the way (and there were plenty!)  He spoke soothinglingly in Indonesian to me as I bled on his shirt!  We don't know his name but he stayed with me until after Miles and our base manager got there.  He was definitely an angel with skin on! :)

I won't be driving the school bus until January now.  It doesn't have power steering and there is no way that I could muscle that thing with my rib in the condition it is in!

Other than that, all else is fine!


  1. I am so glad that you are ok. You are in my prayers. Hope you get feeling better real soon. God be with you always.
    Love ya
    John and Connie Pertl

  2. I am glad you are ok! We will pray for a speedy recovery! Kevin and Tasha Spann

  3. I'm so sorry about your accident! I will be praying for your healing....and protection, and blessings and anything else you need prayers for. So nice of that man to help you as he did. Take care of yourself. Connie Rumer
